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Western Announces Spring 2021 Dean’s List

Spring 2021 Dean's List

Congratulations to the Spring 2021 Dean’s List Recipients! The Dean’s List at Western Colorado University recognizes students who have attained a grade-point average of 3.70 while carrying 12 or more credits. This spring semester, 453 students have met this distinguished accomplishment.

Western Spring 2021 Dean’s List

Alexander Abarro
Cierra Abbott
Lindsay Abernathy
Sarah Ackerman
Dylan Aguilar
Dominic Alei-Gonzalez
Evan Allison
Julianne Alvares
Joshua Anderson
Raeanna Anglen
Karen Aranda
Macey Arseculeratne
Bailey Backus
Phylicia Bacon
Tyler Baker
Rebecka Ballard
Patrick Baltzell
Brittney Barger
Andrew Barich
Catherine Barisas
Parker Barnhardt
Ryan Barnhouse
Katie Barr
Lauren Barth
Jacob Bartholomew
Brandon Bashaw
Connor Bassolino
William Baynes
Bari Beasley
Nicolas Becquet
Nicholas Bell
Mathew Berna
Samantha Bernard
Andrew Berrier
Madison Berry
Taylor Bess
Demitra Biddle
Erin Bigelow
Isabella Biondini
Liam Bird
Alexander Bishard
Amaya Booker
Kara Boothe
Kaelee Bos
Coleen Bost
Kade Brantingham
Andrea Brown
Gabrielle Brown
Naiyabingi Budler
Trevor Buongiorno
Claire Burianek
Ayla Butler
Serena Butler
Austin Buttlar
Christian Byrtus
Madysen Callis
Zoe Camp
Amelia Campbell
Grant Campbell
Dulce Carlos
Joel Carlson
Mary Carlson
Daniel Carr
Angela Carroll
Schuyler Cash
Madison Caster
Claire Caswell
Michael Cayley III
David Char
Emilio Chavez
Hannah Chipman
Christopher Chorpenning
Geoffrey Churley
Ellemir Cignoni
Celine Cisneros
Alexander Clapp
Wyatt Cleveland
Aidan Clouse
Samantha Coleman
Malindi Congour
Daric Conkright
Kaitlyn Cook
Alicia Cordova
Chase Cordova
Kira Cordova
Rachel Cottingham
Caitlyn Cox
Nina Crouch
Hannah Cryder
Braylee Cumro
Allison D’Ercole
Allison Dages
Kathleen Dalton
Jennifer Damian Bello
Jack Daves
Kelsey Davidson
Anastasia Davis
Blake Davis
Conor Dawson
Frank DeCew
Emma DeHaven
Charlotte Dertien
Samuel Deseriere
Shawna Dieckmann
Thomas Diefenbach
Nicole Doll
Stuart Donlon
Katie Doucette
Cassandra Duft
Patrick Dunagan
S Durand
Emily Eads
Rese Ebbeler
Chloe Edwards
Morgan Eitemiller
Hayden Ell
Kyla Engleman
Audrey Erickson
Jessica Erickson
Elizabeth Felix
Demetra Fellows
Saydie Ferris
Kaiya Firor
Elyse Fitzpatrick
Loren Fitzpatrick
Alexander Fleitz
Jeremy Fletcher
Meaghan Forbes
Melina Fotenos
Adrian Franz-Garrison
Benjamin Freeman
Lyndsey Gaddy
Alexandria Galicia
Gabriella Garcia
Elijah Garcia-Gillespie
Samantha Gardner
Skylar Gardner
Rylee Garland
Glenn Garrison
Jessica Garrison
Kaleb Gaster
Dominic Gawel
Stephanie George
Stephanie Gerber
Christopher Gibson
Alison Giese
Chase Giglio
Hannah Gigstad
Sarah Gillogly
Bridget Goddard
Reni Goddard-Vaughan
Nicole Gonzales
Isabelle Goodrich
Veronica Graham
Abigail Gridley
Matthew Hagedorn
Arizona Hager
Sydney Hannig
Halie Harbeck
Brock Hardison
Tyler Haroldson
Bailey Harris
Matthew Harris
Jennifer Harter
Luke Hauser
Montgommery Hayslip
Zac Heaton
Luke Hedman
Benjamin Heer
Hannah Helmer
Inez Herrera
Myles Hilbert
Kaitlyn Hildebrand
Brenna Hilgers
Koyote Holden
Morgan Holmes
Matthew Holsopple
David Hopp
Joseph Hosmer
Riley Howard
Raechel Hoy
Clint Hubbard
Connor Hurley
Ashley Hurst
David Husmann
Isabella Jacobson
Emily Jauch
Patrick Jirele
Hayden Johnson
Shynesti Johnson
Andrew Jorgenson
Kade Juelfs
Brayden Kammers
Kaleigh Kane
Jordan Karels
Trudy Kelberg
Gibson Kenney
Ashlee Kerber
Ethan Kereszturi
Seanna Khosravi
Brooke Klaseen
Kallie Klein
Max Klein
Makenna Knez
Brooke Knutson
Jessica Knutson
Elizabeth Koch
Sean Kohler
Kaden Koksma
Jaiden Kolb
Emilee Krehbiel
Michael Kunka
Mason Kunkel
Meghan LaHatte
Braden Laboret
Asher Lapello
Robert Larkin
Emma Latta
Reagan Leflett
Molly Lenhard
Daniel Lesh
Brandy Lewis
Derek Light
Alexis Lindley
Carver Lindley
Katherine Liptrap
Izak Little
Blanca Lobato-Roberts
Jackson Long
Dalton Lorenz
Taylore Lowry
Mila Lumae
Emma Mantooth
Patrish Maples
Jordan Mares
Gunnar Marquardt
Zachary Marshall
Zoe Marshall
Clayton Martin
Aaron Mason
Alexandra Mason
Evan Matheson
Michael Matthews
Jacob McCarley
Jaelan McCloud
Shaun McGrath
Delaney McManus
Zachary McMillan
Anna McMurrer
Jonathan Mccloud
Alex Mccrindle
Ross Mcnally
Kevin Meyer
Nathan Meyer
Savanna Meyer
Cade Michael
Rizza Mikkelsen
Autumn Miller
Chloe Miller
Lisa Miller
Abbey Mohan
Cynthia Mollendor
Lucia Monge
Elijah Montano
Martin Montelongo
Maria Montesinos
Nia Morales
Philip Morales
Michael Morgan
John Morris
Robin Morris
Autumn Moya
Timothy Mullin
Taylor Munoz
Katie Munyan
Olivia Murphy-Welconish
Klaryssa Murray
Amber Mykol
Kieran Nay
Hadley Nelson
Keegan Newbold
Bailey Nickel
Conner Nilsen
Kaeyla Noble
Rylee Nordberg
Emily Nortnik
William O’Brien
Casey Ober
Leif Olsen
Erik Olson
Shelby Olson
Zenda Olson
Bradley Opitz
Luis Ortiz
Triston Ortiz
Stephen Otero
Delaney Overlin
Gabrielle Owen
Mikaela Parker
Ian Parrish
Gabriel Paulin
Gabriel Paznokas
Kaleb Pedrie
Audrey Peeples
Payton Pels
Justin Perdew
Makenna Peters
Hannah Peterson
Tess Peterson
Bailee Phillips
Jackson Piggott
Gabriel Portis
Kelia Portis
Rylee Prater
Sophia Privette
Sean Quinn
Abigail Raio
Matej Rak
Brandon Ramberg
Alyssa Rawinski
Nicole Rees
Brienna Reese
Avery Rembao
Taylor Reweti
Sierra Richardson
Tristan Riggan
Cole Riters
Trevor Riters
Pete Rivera
Wallis Rodina
Evianne Rodriguez-Adame
Mikaela Romano
Wyatt Roth
Shaughn Rourke
Kayla Rubenstein
Hannah Running
Elizabeth Rupprecht
Alexandra Rybczynski
Bailyn Salsbury
Adam Sampson
Julianne Sanchez
Megan Sanders
Matthew Sandin
Brooke Satathite
Maxwell Sawyer
Samantha Schaefer
Christina Schafer
Lauren Scheib
Morgan Schell
Allyson Scheunemann
Collin Scheuring
Brannon Schmidt
Jacob Schmidt
Taylor Schultz
Grace Schwarzenberger
Maggie Scofield
Aidan Scott
Samuel Sellen
Arianwen Sharman
Christopher Shine
Delaney Shortridge
Mallory Siebenneicher
Caileen Sienknecht
Jameson Silva
Bailey Simon
Jamie Sitter
Katherine Smith
Kendra Smith
Spencer Smith
Sophia Snyder
Alyssa Soto
Reilly Spence
Christine Spiers
Paige Stapley
Hannah Starinieri
Jacoba Stauffer
Devan Stegner
McKenna Steiner
Rayna Stem
Kali Stier
Isabel Stollsteimer
Ken Stone
Matthew Storer II
Cameron Storlie
Rachael Stubbs
Dylan Styes
Henry Sunter
Bryce Swaim
Caroline Swomley
Matthew Tamanaha
Sabina Tamburrino
Jacob Tarlton
Savannah Teetor
Karlynn Tellier
Alexia Thiros
Benjamin Thorneycroft
Taryn Tibbs
Savannah Tice
Jordyn Todd
Cameron Tredoux
Camille Tredoux
Nadia Trevizo
William Tuma
Jillian Turner
Triston Turner
Camryn Uetz
Kelsey Valois
Rosalinda Van Dyke
Berlin VanNess
Daelyn Vaughan
Jaysen Vaznis
Hunter Verity
Sophie Vigil
Mical Vitry
Sadie Vohsman
Emmery Wagstaff
Nathan Walsh
Megan Walton
Katherine Wasson
Alexandra Weatherill
Espen Weber
Anna Weibel
Jessica Weigum
Carter Wenger
Brody West
Sarah White
Kinlee Whitney
Chance Wiening
Cooper Wiens
Stella Wiens
Jacob Wilcox
Karen Wilkins
Alli Williamson
William Willis
Hunter Wilson
Mary Wilson
Lacie Wise
Jade Witzel
Christa Wolfe
Connor Wong
Haley Wood
James Woodbery
Ruby Woodings
Eliza Worley-Ekstrom
Luke Wuesthoff
Brandy Yager
Sudden Yazzie
Cameron Yolles
Shea Yuran
Delaney Zandin
Adelyn Zimmer
Nathan Zimmerman

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