B.A., Western Michigan University, Mathematics, 2020
Academic Programs
How did you discover Western?
I was just finishing my master’s degree in Michigan, and one of my friends let me know that Western was looking to fill a mathematics position. The location and job were just what I was looking for!
What are some of the highlights of your career?
I’ve been lucky enough to be able to give several talks throughout my time in academia. Getting to share fun and interesting mathematical problems with a wider audience is one of my favorite things.
What most excites you about your field?
Mathematics has ties to so many exciting questions in a bunch of different fields. I love that learning about mathematics allows me to get a better understanding of so many other questions in life. Questions about economics, physics, biology, philosophy, computer science, and so many more all have their own math that helps us to understand them. For example, I recently learned that some philosophical thinkers believe that a self-aware artificial intelligence is impossible because of mathematical theorems proved by Kurt Gödel. That’s philosophy, computer science, and math all rolled into one!
What is your favorite thing about the Gunnison Valley?
I have not lived here very long, so I’m sure there is still a lot I have to discover about the area. Right now I am still just amazed to be so close to such a great ski resort.