Resident Resources
Housing Portal
The Housing Portal is your go-to for things like the housing application, vehicle registration, room condition contracts, roommate agreements, and more.
Mail Center
To figure out your on-campus mailing address and the hours of operation, contact Residence Life at 970.943.2468.
Mountaineer Card
Contact IT Services at, 970.943.2525, or stop by our office at Taylor 125.
Don’t see what you need?
If you don’t see an answer to your question, give Residence Life a call at 970.943.2101, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Resident’s Rights
Western Colorado University’s residents possess specific individual and group rights while engaged in activities that are part of college life. With these rights, residents have reciprocal responsibilities to ensure these same rights for others. Housing staff will educate residents regarding these rights and responsibilities, and use them as a guide in making decisions concerning resident welfare and behavior. The following statements define minimal expectations regarding these rights and responsibilities.
Western students are also required to adhere to all policies outlined in the Student Handbook.
The Office of Residence Life is dedicated to providing a comfortable and safe living environment for all students, including those whose gender identity and/or expression differs from the sex assigned to them at birth.
Campus housing is generally divided along the gender binary paradigm, though we fully support all students in their right to safe, supportive and comfortable living options. As such, in designated housing spaces we support students in self-selecting gendered housing and/or utilizing communal gendered restrooms based on their identified gender without pressure or requirement to disclose any identifying information.
In addition, though we cannot guarantee that all specific requests can be met, we will do our absolute best to accommodate any student who feels uncomfortable or unsafe with the above option, including those who identify outside of the gender binary paradigm. As a small university, we can flexibly address these concerns on a confidential case-by-case basis, with a commitment to assisting the student in finding the safest and best accommodation possible. To discuss these options, please contact the office of Residence Life at 970.943.2101.
Ultimately, it is our goal to support our transgender and/or gender queer students with an emphasis on respect, affirmation and prioritized attention to the student’s physical and emotional well-being.
Residents have the right…
- To have reasonable access to their living accommodations based on a published schedule of occupancy.
- To live in a clean and secure environment.
- To facilities and programs that support the pursuit of academic success.
- To expect a regionally competitive price on housing accommodations and food service.
- To have access to written copies of rules and regulations that govern individual and group behavior.
- To the respect and safety of personal property.
- To study without interruption or interference.
- To be free from unreasonable noise.
- To be free of intimidation or harassment.
- To express themselves freely within established guidelines.
- To expect enforcement of housing agreement/contract.
- To have direct access to staff who provide assistance, guidance and support as needed.
- To host guests, within established guidelines.
- To receive equitable treatment when behavior is in question.
- To enjoy individual freedoms regardless of race, ethnicity, sex, national origin, disability, age, religion, sexual orientation or political affiliation.
- To participate in resident governmental bodies and housing departmental committees.
- To have access to individual and group social, educational and developmental opportunities in their living community.
Residents have the responsibility…
- To adhere to rules and regulations.
- To comply with reasonable requests made by staff, or university officials or fellow residents.
- To meet payment schedules for room, board, and other required housing fees.
- To monitor and accept responsibility for behavior of guests.
- To report violations of rules and regulations to appropriate staff.
- To respect the rights of others, as stated above.
- To respect the diverse backgrounds and interests of those others who are different from them.
- To treat others in a civil manner and manage conflict in a mature manner.
- To be serious in their academic pursuits.
- To participate actively in self-governance.
- To participate in housing departmental committees as requested.
- To express themselves individually, or by association with groups.
- To participate in judicial proceedings to determine appropriate standards of behavior.
- To contribute positively to the community by participating in educational and developmental activities.
Campus Safety
Important Numbers
24-hour emergency: 911
24-hour non-emergency: 970.641.8000
Campus Security phone: 970.209.1020, available 24/7
Resident Assistant on-call phones:
- Escalante Complex: 970.209.1026
- Ute and Mears Complex: 970.209.1029
- Chipeta and Pinnacles: 970.209.1025
- Available Monday – Friday 5 p.m. – 8 a.m., Saturday-Sunday 24/7
Residence Hall Safety Tips
- Do not prop doors
- Keep suite or room doors and windows locked at all times
- Never leave valuables unattended
- Report suspicious activity to Campus Security
Internet Access
Wi-Fi is available everywhere on campus. Rooms in the Pinnacles, Chipeta, Escalante and Mears Complexes have internet access via Ethernet.
Computer Requirements
All students using the Western campus network on a personal computer will need anti-virus installed and kept up-to-date.
Computer Labs
Computers are important to life here at Western, but owning a personal computer is not a necessity. Computer labs with internet capability are located in Pinnacles, Chipeta, Mears and Ute halls. Additional computer labs are located in Taylor Hall and Savage Library.
Need Help?
If you are having issues with your computer or internet access, contact IT Services.
Students must follow all checkout procedures and check out with a Residence Life staff member by time specified in their Housing Contract.
This time is generally 5 p.m. on the last day of finals for the current semester. For example, the spring semester Housing Contract concludes at 5 p.m. on the Friday of finals week.
Graduating seniors may check out by 5 p.m. on the Sunday following Commencement.
Other students granted an extension due to working at spring Commencement (e.g., performing in band/choir, set-up/tear-down crew) may remain until 5 p.m. on the day of Commencement, with approval.
Right here: Student Handbook
All students are expected to read the Student Handbook each year, as there are often updates from the previous edition. All students are subject to the policies and procedures in this handbook and agree to follow them when matriculating to Western Colorado University.
Yes. Students are expected to check their Western email at least once per day. Faculty and staff will send you important emails on a regular basis, and you will be held responsible for the content of those messages.
Students living on campus during the academic year may request to remain on campus at no extra cost during the Fall, Winter and Spring Breaks via the Forms page in the Housing Portal.
The Housing Contract is for the academic year. Students who do not wish to stay on campus over Winter Break and will be returning for Spring Semester may leave their belongings in their room but will not have access to their room until the weekend before Spring Semester. Students who wish to stay over university breaks must complete the appropriate form.
In emergency situations, Western will communicate with the entire university community by sending out Rave alerts through email. Go to to register your phone so that you will receive text messages as well during emergencies. Type “Western Colorado University” as the site name. All students are encouraged to register their mobile phones if they have one. Further questions about Rave alerts can be directed to the Director of Security.
All Western students are required to live on campus for two years. As part of the live-on requirement, students will experience the residential curriculum. Transfer students may opt to live on our Transfer Community or on a second-year floor.
To see qualifications to appeal to live off campus, please click here.
New Incoming and Transfer students can complete their housing application throughout the summer.
Students who have matched with roommates will be assigned a room and notified via Western email.
Continuing students can complete their housing application during Spring Semester. Students wanting priority room selection must complete each phase of the housing application by the deadlines communicated to them. Continuing students can select their roommate(s) and select their room. Room selection is based on credits earned and spaces available in each residence hall.
All students will then be able to select a meal plan (meal plan requirements are based on where students will be living).
In the Escalante Complex, the Mears Complex and Ute Hall, all beds are extra-long twin. In Pinnacles and Chipeta, all beds are full size.
Unfortunately not. Residence Life has a limited amount of storage space, so all furniture must remain in your room.
The furniture in your room is connected to your Room Condition Contract, so the furniture your room comes with must remain in your room.
Western maintains a strict outside furniture policy to ensure fire safety and protect the cleanliness of the rooms. Additionally, outside furniture can contribute to pest problems. All rooms are furnished appropriately for its occupants with a desk, dresser and bed.
Outside furniture is prohibited in the residence halls except for the following items:
- Desk chairs that do not have any fabric or upholstery
- Blow up air mattresses
- Blow up couch without velvet on outside
- Bean bag chairs
- Memory foam
- Lamps (only non‐halogen bulbs)
- Media stands, bookcases, or night stands in which the total dimensions of each piece do not exceed 80 inches. Total inches can be calculated by adding the longest width, the longest height, and the longest depth together when fully extended (such as legs or sides).
Resident Assistants in all residence halls and apartment complexes are scheduled to perform health, safety and fire inspections once per month. These health, safety and fire inspections are to ensure the continued safety of our communities. One week before the inspection occurs, your Resident Director will send an email stating that health, safety and fire inspections will take place the following week. The email does not have to indicate a specific day or time, as that may change with Resident Assistants’ schedules. For one week, Resident Assistants will inspect rooms with or without the presence of the residents. Resident Assistants are always accompanied by another Resident Assistant or a professional staff member. If any policy violations are found pertaining to University policy, they will be addressed at that time.
Anything that is or can be considered an extension cord is prohibited from the residence halls. This includes outlet multipliers. Only certified surge protectors may be used in residence halls and apartments.
Students in residence halls are permitted to have a standard size micro-fridge, a microwave and any other kitchen appliance that does not have a hot plate. Other kitchen appliances may not be stored or used in the residence halls. Prohibited appliances include but are not limited to: toasters, toaster ovens, George Foreman grills, traditional coffee makers, etc. These items are allowed in the Pinnacles and Chipeta Apartments but only in the kitchen areas of the apartments. If you enjoy coffee, we suggest purchasing a coffee maker that does not have a hot plate.
We take security seriously here at Western. If you lose your key, report to your RD that you lost it and they will immediately submit a work order so that it can be replaced. Keys are typically replaced in one to two business days. New keys can be picked up from the Residence Life Office, University Center 117. Losing your key will result in a standard fee of $100 that is billed to your student account.
Students may have small fish in up to a 10-gallon tank (one per room). Any other pets (dogs, cats, reptiles, etc.) are prohibited from the residence halls and apartments. Exceptions include service dogs and emotional support animals that have been approved through Disability Services. If a prohibited pet is found, the resident could receive a fine of up to $300.
All rooms are regularly inspected for safety and fire hazards. You may store your bike in your room as long as it does not pose a threat to the safety of the residents in the space. If you do not store your bike in your room, you must store it on the bike racks located outside. Bikes cannot be stored in communal areas such as stairwells or lounges. You are encouraged to keep your bike locked when not in use and to register your bike with the Gunnison Police Department, which is indeed a free service.
If you are having issues with your roommate, please make sure you speak with your roommate directly. RAs are able to help students prepare for these types of conversations. If an issue escalates beyond the student’s control, your Resident Assistant or Resident Director may ask to mediate the conversation.
If you are 21 years of age or older and either have a single room or live with a roommate who is also 21 years of age or older, you may possess and consume alcohol in your room. Alcohol is not to be kept in community spaces and cannot be consumed in the presence of a minor.
Western does not permit any paraphernalia (i.e. vape pens, hookahs, etc.) to be possessed in residence halls or apartments. We understand that some students do smoke cigarettes or chew tobacco, so we do allow students to store cigarettes and chewing tobacco in their rooms, as long as it is stored out of view. Students are still prohibited from smoking cigarettes or chewing tobacco in their rooms. Vape pens and hookahs are prohibited because of their potential use with different forms of marijuana products. Confiscated items that violate policy, such as vape pens, hookahs, or other paraphernalia will not be returned to the student.
If you are returning to Western after Winter Break and are remaining in the same space, you may leave your belongings (with all electronics unplugged) in your room. You must remove your items after the spring semester, even if you have the exact same room/apartment for the upcoming fall semester. Residence Life hosts numerous conferences over the summer, resulting in the need for as many residence hall rooms and apartments as possible. Any personal items that remain after you have moved out will be donated, recycled, or discarded per the abandonment policy.
Yes. All of the above devices can be connected to our network. If you are experiencing issues connecting these devices, please contact IT at 970.943.3123.
Laundry machines in all residence halls operate on an app-based system where students can load payment.
Students are allowed to have an on-campus or off-campus guest stay with them for up to 48 hours within a two-week period. Students must obtain permission from their roommate(s) before giving the guest entrance to their residence. Student hosts must accompany their off-campus guest while on campus. Students may not share their keys with their guests or leave their guests in their room/apartment unattended.
All mail and packages must be delivered to the Mail Center.
Yes! We have many great restaurants here in Gunnison that will deliver to Western’s campus. Students must meet the delivery person at the entrance to the hall. Propping doors open is strictly prohibited as it poses a security threat to other residents in the residence halls and apartment buildings.
Quiet hours are times set aside for near-silence in the residence halls and apartments. This is to respect and encourage the healthy sleeping habits of all Western students. Quiet hours are in effect Sunday through Thursday from 10 p.m. to 8 a.m. and Friday through Saturday from 12 a.m. (midnight) to 8 a.m. Courtesy hours are in effect at all times. During the daytime when quiet hours are not in effect, residents do not have the right to turn a radio, stereo or TV to full volume (inside or outside of the halls) or to yell and shout. Residence Life staff may ask you to close your door or turn down the volume on your TV, radio, stereo, etc., if the noise levels are disruptive to the community.
No. Marijuana is not allowed in any shape or form on Western’s campus. This includes the storage of marijuana in cars parked in any campus parking lot.
Yes. Recycling is encouraged in the residence halls. Each residential area has its own trash and recycling area. Additionally, Western is making strong efforts to eliminate the purchase and use of single-use plastic bags and plastic bottles on campus. Please help us to reach our goal!
All students who live in the residence halls are required to have a meal plan. Students in the apartments may have a meal plan if they like.
You may change your meal plan in the Residence Life Office up to the first Wednesday of the academic year. Students on optional meal plans may continue to purchase these plans throughout the year.
A campus-wide housing freeze is in effect for the first two weeks and during the spring housing selection period in November and December. If you would like to switch to another room for a non-interpersonal related reason, please connect with your Resident Assistant or Resident Director. If you would like to switch to another room because of an issue with your roommate, you must go through Residence Life’s mediation process before this becomes an option. Speak with your Resident Assistant for more details. Switching rooms for a non-emergency will result in a processing fee.
No. Parking on campus is available on a first come, first served basis. Parking is not guaranteed, and there are restrictions placed on particular lots. Security does ticket and tow, so please park in appropriate spaces. When you check in, you MUST register your vehicle and receive a parking sticker in order to be able to park on campus without being ticketed or towed. Only one vehicle per student is permitted.
Residence Life does not provide cable television in residence hall rooms.
You are responsible for checking out properly. If you leave without following proper procedures, you will have improper check out fines. To properly check out, you need to first stop by the Student Affairs office (Taylor 301) and explain your withdraw plans. You will get a form and will need to get signatures from someone in the Student Affairs office, Financial Aid office, Residence Life office, and Registrar’s office. It’s a courtesy to notify your academic advisor as well in person or via email. After the withdrawal form is completed and you are withdrawn from classes, you need to contact your RA to check out of your room and return your key(s). You have 24-48 hours to check out of your room properly.
Failure to follow the withdrawal process will result in tuition and student fees for each semester you are registered for until you withdraw or until the semester ends. Failure to check out of your residence hall room or apartment with an RA or RD will result in charges for not returning your key(s), charges for improperly checking out, and charges for cleaning your room.
Student-athletes may self-identify in the roommate matching portion of the housing application. Residence Life does not provide any other particular roommate matching services for student-athletes. Your coach may keep a list of teammates and other student-athletes who are looking for roommates.
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