Teaching is about making a positive impact in the lives of students of all ages. If you’re passionate about pursuing a career in education, you can get a head start while saving time and money in Western’s accelerated degree program.
Program Overview

Gain the knowledge and expertise you’ll need to advance your career in education.
The 3+2 Elementary Education with Teacher Licensure will allow you to earn a Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education and a Master of Arts in Education in five years. The program provides a dynamic combination of theoretical knowledge and hands-on practice to prepare you for a variety of academic environments after your time at Western.
In the program, you’ll earn a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education and either minor in any subject or complete at least 18 credits in a specified area of interest. You will then continue your education to earn an Elementary teaching license and pair it with a Master of Arts in Education emphasizing in Teacher Leadership, Reading Leadership or K-12 Online Leadership. In addition to your teaching license and M.A. in Education with an emphasis area, you may also earn one of several added endorsements to supplement your degree. These endorsements will enhance your teaching skills and prepare you to take on a variety of classroom environments both during your residency and after graduation.”
Western’s elementary education program is the first and only university program in state of Colorado that is approved as meeting the updated READ Act training requirement. Beginning in 2021-22, all graduates of Western’s elementary program will have met the professional development requirements per Senate Bill 19-199.
Enhance your own education and earn professional credit at Western’s Summer Teacher Institute.
Fast track your education
In the B.A. in Elementary Education and M.A. in Education 3+2 program, you’ll spend five years honing your pedagogy skills through engaging coursework and a student teaching residency in which you’ll lead a classroom under the guidance of an experienced mentor teacher.
Program Requirements
At Western, course rotations are crafted to encompass a variety of subject fields for a comprehensive education and versatile degree. For required courses and degree plans, visit the official University Catalog. Below is a general overview of courses at Western Colorado University related to this area of study.
Program Requirements
Students seeking Elementary Licensure in the 3+2 Elementary Education Program (grades K-6) must complete the interdisciplinary requirements of the Elementary Education Major, all other University requirements, and the Elementary Licensure requirements set forth by the Colorado Department of Education.
Code | Title | Credits |
Elementary Education Core Content: | ||
MATH 140 | College Algebra (GT-MA1) | 3 |
MATH 221 | Foundations of Mathematics for Teaching I | 3 |
MATH 222 | Foundations of Mathematics for Teaching II | 3 |
MATH 323 | Foundations of Mathematics for Teaching III | 3 |
SCI 110 | Habitable Planet (with laboratory) | 4 |
SCI 111 | Nature of Science | 1 |
SCI 120 | Living Planet (with laboratory) | 4 |
SCI 210 | Dynamic Planet (with laboratory) | 4 |
Two of the following: | 6 | |
ENG 150 | Introduction to Literature (GT-AH2) | |
ENG 161 | Introduction to Creative Writing (GT-AH1) | |
ENG 220 | Grammar and the English Language | |
ENG 250 | Critical Approaches to Literature | |
ENG 331 | Literature and Ethnicity: Studies in: | |
ENG 334 | Poetry: Studies in: | |
ENG 337 | Women Writers | |
ENG 352 | Children's Literature | |
Four of the following (courses must include at least 3 disciplines): | 12 | |
ECON 201 | Macroeconomics (GT-SS1) | |
ECON 202 | Microeconomics | |
ECON 215 | Environmental Economics | |
GEOG 120 | Introduction to Human Geography (GT-SS2) | |
GEOG 250 | Geography of North America (GT-SS2) | |
GEOG 351 | Geography of Latin America and the Caribbean | |
HIST 100 | Topics in World History (GT-HI1) | |
HIST 126 | U.S. History to 1865 (GT-HI1) | |
HIST 127 | U.S. History Since 1865 (GT-HI1) | |
HIST 200 | Historical Inquiry | |
HIST 327 | Colorado History | |
HIST 349 | History of the Hispanic Southwest | |
POLS 117 | Introduction to Political Ideas (GT-SS1) | |
POLS 180 | Introduction to American Politics (GT-SS1) | |
POLS 250 | Politics of the Environment | |
Total Credits | 43 |
The Elementary Education Major requires students to take at least 18 credits in a specialized area of interest. The student may choose one of the following options:
Option 1 is to minor in any minor offered at Western Colorado University
Option 2 is to complete at least 18 credits in one of the Areas of Emphasis below:
Code | Title | Credits |
Emphasis in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity | ||
Select six of the following: | 18 | |
ART 325 | Women Artists | |
ART 422 | Native American Art of North America | |
ENG 151 | Borderlands: Representing Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality | |
ENG 152 | Women and Literature | |
ENG 331 | Literature and Ethnicity: Studies in: | |
ENG 337 | Women Writers | |
GEOG 351 | Geography of Latin America and the Caribbean | |
HIST 254 | History of Africa (GT-HI1) | |
HIST 349 | History of the Hispanic Southwest | |
HIST 350 | Environmental History of the Borderlands | |
POLS 340 | Politics of Social Movements | |
POLS 350 | Human Rights | |
POLS 376 | American Political Thought | |
SOC 101 | Introduction to Sociology (GT-SS3) | |
SOC 168 | Social Problems | |
SOC 340 | Social Movements | |
SOC 380 | Social Class, Status, and Power | |
Total Credits | 18 |
Code | Title | Credits |
Emphasis in Global Citizenship | ||
Select six of the following: | 18 | |
ANTH 107 | Introduction to General Anthropology | |
ANTH 230 | Cultural Anthropology (with laboratory) | |
COM 216 | Dramatic Literature and Script Analysis | |
COM 274 | Public Relations Communication | |
COM 352 | Advanced Cinema Studies | |
ECON 303 | International Economics and Globalization | |
ENG 358 | Global Literatures: Studies in: The Underworld | |
ENVS 100 | Introduction to Environment and Sustainability (GT-SS2) | |
ENVS 350 | U.S. and Western Environmental Politics | |
ENVS 430 | Watersheds of the World | |
GEOG 110 | World Regional Geography (GT-SS2) | |
GEOG 120 | Introduction to Human Geography (GT-SS2) | |
GEOG 351 | Geography of Latin America and the Caribbean | |
HIST 254 | History of Africa (GT-HI1) | |
HIST 355 | African History: Topics | |
POLS 260 | Introduction to World Politics (GT-SS1) | |
POLS 340 | Politics of Social Movements | |
POLS 355 | The Global South | |
POLS 360 | American Foreign Policy | |
SOC 101 | Introduction to Sociology (GT-SS3) | |
SOC 168 | Social Problems | |
SOC 340 | Social Movements | |
SOC 380 | Social Class, Status, and Power | |
SPAN 101 | Elementary Spanish I | |
SPAN 102 | Elementary Spanish II | |
Total Credits | 18 |
Code | Title | Credits |
Emphasis in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) | ||
Select six of the following: | 18 | |
ART 119 | Foundation Drawing I | |
ART 171 | Foundation Design: Two-Dimensional | |
ART 172 | Foundation Design: Three-Dimensional | |
BIOL 130 | Environmental Biology (GT-SC2) | |
COM 119 | Introduction to Film | |
COM 121 | Introduction to Theatre (GT-AH1) | |
COM 235 | Introduction to Acting | |
COM 264 | Introduction to Media Production I | |
COM 346 | Multimedia Communication | |
CS 190 | Computer Science I | |
EDUC 492 | Independent Study | |
ENGR 131 | Introduction to Engineering Design | |
MATH 260 | Applied Linear Algebra | |
A 300-level MATH course | ||
PHYS 110 | Introductory Astronomy (GT-SC2) | |
PHYS 120 | Meteorology (GT-SC2) | |
PHYS 125 | Energy and the Environment (GT-SC2) | |
Total Credits | 18 |
Required Education Coursework
The Elementary Licensure Program requires 42 credits of Education coursework and the Gateway course (including 6 credits of EDUC 619).
Pre-Residency Coursework:
Code | Title | Credits |
EDUC 000 | Education Gateway Course | 0 |
EDUC 102 | Learning & Teaching | 3 |
EDUC 202 | Education and Schooling in the U.S. | 3 |
EDUC 210 | Science Teaching Methods | 3 |
EDUC 326 | Equity, Diversity and Social Justice in Education | 3 |
EDUC 340 | Application of Pedagogy and Practice | 3 |
Total Credits | 15 |
4th year Residency Coursework:
Elementary Licensure Coursework to be taken year 4 of 3+2 Elementary Education MAED Program.
Code | Title | Credits |
EDUC 405 | Data-driven Instructional Practices | 3 |
EDUC 408 | Teaching Writing with the Brain in Mind | 3 |
EDUC 600 | Foundations of Literacy Development | 3 |
EDUC 601 | Methods and Strategies of Effective Reading Instruction | 3 |
EDUC 604 | Learning Environments | 3 |
EDUC 613 | Methods and Strategies of Effective Mathematics Instruction | 3 |
EDUC 628 | Pedagogies for English Learners | 3 |
Six credits of the following: | 6 | |
EDUC 619 | Elementary Student Teaching | |
Total Credits | 27 |
The residency for Elementary Licensure must be completed in a K-6 classroom, where students are expected to work cooperatively 24 hours per week with qualified mentor teachers. During this year-long clinical residency, students are applying and extending the pedagogical knowledge that they are learning in their Education courses. The Elementary Licensure coursework and the post-licensure coursework are taught online.
5th year Post-Licensure Coursework
Once accepted to the 3+2 Elementary Education MAED Program, students must declare their MA emphasis and the School of Graduate Studies will designate the student as an "MAED degree seeking student." Students in the Elementary Education 3+2 Program may choose an MA emphasis in K-12 Online Leadership, Teacher Leadership, Reading Leadership or endorsement in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education.
All Elementary Education 3+2 students will be required to take 3-6 credits of 600 level education electives. The only exception is Master of Arts in Education with Endorsement in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education which has a pre-determined 22 credit course series.
Elective Education Coursework to be taken year 5 of 3 + 2 Secondary and K-12 Education MAED Program:
Education with emphasis in K-12 Online Teacher Leadership, Master of Arts
K-12 Online Teacher Leadership is defined as the work of an individual (an online-teacher leader) teaching online in a virtual school and/or in a blended K-12 learning environment (a) who knows federal and state policies related to online and blended teaching and learning; has advanced knowledge of the development, implementation, and evaluation of quality online teaching and instructional design and (b) who can work effectively with other online or blended instructional staff to meet the targeted learning needs of all students. The K-12 online teacher leader provides professional guidance and expertise to virtual or brick and mortar schools on effective curriculum, instruction, and assessment programs in relation to online and blended learning.
To earn the MA in Education with emphasis in K-12 Online Teacher Leadership, the candidate must successfully complete 43 graduate credits of education course work in conjunction with in-classroom/school practical experience. Already licensed teachers have the option of adding an endorsement in one of the licensure areas above during their first year of study. Successful completion of the K-12 Online Teacher Leadership emphasis will result in earning the MA degree.
Code | Title | Credits |
EDUC 621 | Creating Effective Online & Blended Learning Environments | 3 |
EDUC 622 | Using Data to Plan for Online & Blended Learning and Targeted Interventions | 3 |
EDUC 623 | Designing and Delivering Effective Online & Blended Instruction | 3 |
EDUC 680 | Action Research for Educational Leaders | 4 |
EDUC 693 | Conduct, Reflect, and Present Action Research | 3 |
Total Credits | 16 |
In addition to the courses listed above, 3+2 candidates must take 6 credits of 600-level education electives for a total of 22 credits.
Education with emphasis in Reading Leadership, Master of Arts
Reading Leadership is defined as the work of an individual (a reading-leader) situated in the classroom or in a school or district-level position who has advanced knowledge of federal and state policies related to literacy; has deep understanding of the development, implementation, and evaluation of scientifically-based reading programs; and can work effectively with other instructional staff to meet the literacy needs of all students. The reading leader provides professional guidance and expertise to classroom teachers, school and/or district literacy curriculum, instruction, and assessment programs; and develops and conducts in-service programs related to literacy.
To earn the MA in Education with emphasis in Reading Leadership, the candidate must successfully complete 43 graduate credits of education course work in conjunction with in-classroom/school practical experience. Successful completion of the Reading Leadership emphasis will result in earning the MA degree. To be recommended for a Colorado Department of Education Reading Specialist endorsement, the candidate must also take EDUC 689 Reading Specialist Internship. Additional requirements to be endorsed as a Colorado Department of Education Reading Specialist are to hold a Colorado initial or professional teacher license and have three or more years of full-time, demonstrated classroom teaching experience. Applicants can wait to apply to the Colorado Department of Education for the endorsement until they have met these additional requirements.
Code | Title | Credits |
EDUC 602 | Literacy Assessment Informed Instruction | 3 |
EDUC 680 | Action Research for Educational Leaders | 4 |
EDUC 685 | Assessing, Evaluating, and Instructing At-risk and Struggling Readers | 3 |
EDUC 686 | Student-Focused Coaching and Mentoring | 3 |
EDUC 687 | School-Wide Comprehensive Literacy Program Development | 3 |
EDUC 689 | Reading Specialist Internship | 3 |
EDUC 693 | Conduct, Reflect, and Present Action Research | 3 |
Total Credits | 22 |
Education with emphasis in Teacher Leadership, Master of Arts
Teacher Leadership is defined as the work of an individual (a teacher-leader) within a school who is regarded as an excellent educator; is well respected by peers; is recognized for his or her leadership capacity; holds a lifelong learning orientation; and has been identified to facilitate, advocate, and advance school reform and improvement of student learning. The work of a Teacher Leader is typically carried out through informal and formal venues and processes; for example, with teachers in their classrooms, district-level task forces, committee, and/or membership in district-level professional development projects. To earn the MA in Education with emphasis in Teacher Leadership, the candidate must successfully complete 43 graduate credits of education coursework in conjunction with in-classroom/school practical experience. Already licensed teachers have the option of adding an endorsement in the licensure areas listed above during their first year of study. Successful completion of the Teacher Leadership emphasis will result in earning the MA degree.
Code | Title | Credits |
EDUC 632 | Overview of Special Services | 3 |
EDUC 669 | Formal and Informal Methods of Assessment | 3 |
EDUC 680 | Action Research for Educational Leaders | 4 |
EDUC 681 | Instructional Program Evaluation | 3 |
EDUC 682 | Shaping School Culture | 3 |
EDUC 693 | Conduct, Reflect, and Present Action Research | 3 |
Total Credits | 19 |
In addition to the courses listed above, 3+2 Teacher Leadership candidates must take 3 credits of 600-level education electives.
*EDUC 697 may only be taken upon instructor approval. Students interested in EDUC 697 must consult with the graduate advisor prior to enrolling in this course.Master of Arts in Education with Endorsement in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education
Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CLD) teaching is defined as the work of an individual (a CLD Interventionist or CLD Teacher Leader) who serves as a liaison between various constituents accountable for meeting the needs of CLD learners in the school and community settings. This individual is aware of state, national, and local cultural norms, legalities, and policies that impact student learning and the acquisition of English language proficiency. The CLD teacher has the ability to guide and support stakeholders associated with serving CLD learners to sustain high levels of productivity, collaboration, and achievement.
To earn the 3+2 MA in Education with an endorsement in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education, the candidate must successfully complete 43 graduate credits of education coursework in conjunction with in-classroom/school practical experience. The candidate must be a licensed teacher and will be eligible to add a CLD endorsement at the conclusion of the following sequence of MA coursework.
Code | Title | Credits |
EDUC 616 | Language Acquisition for Linguistically Diverse Students | 3 |
EDUC 617 | Linguistically Diverse Student Literacies | 3 |
EDUC 618 | Linguistically Diverse Student Teaching | 3 |
EDUC 680 | Action Research for Educational Leaders | 4 |
EDUC 693 | Conduct, Reflect, and Present Action Research | 3 |
Total Credits | 16 |
In addition to the courses listed above, 3+2 candidates must take 6 credits of 600-level education electives.
Year One | ||
Fall | Credits | |
EDUC 000 | Education Gateway Course | 0 |
HWTR 100 | First Year Seminar | 1 |
MATH 140 | College Algebra (GT-MA1) | 3 |
SCI 110 | Habitable Planet (with laboratory) | 4 |
EDUC 102 | Learning & Teaching (GT-SS3) | 3 |
ENG 102 | Writing and Rhetoric I (GT-CO1) | 3 |
Gen Ed | Social Sciences | 3 |
Credits | 17 | |
Spring | ||
Gen Ed | Social Sciences | 3 |
SCI 120 | Living Planet (with laboratory) | 4 |
Gen Ed | Social Sciences | 3 |
ENG 103 | Writing and Rhetoric II (GT-CO2) | 3 |
Gen Ed | Arts & Humanities | 3 |
Credits | 16 | |
Year Two | ||
Fall | ||
MATH 221 | Foundations of Mathematics for Teaching I | 3 |
Elective | Specialization Elective | 3 |
Gen Ed | Social Sciences | 3 |
EDUC 202 | Education and Schooling in the U.S. (GT-SS3) | 3 |
Elective | ENG Elective | 3 |
SCI 111 | Nature of Science | 1 |
Credits | 16 | |
Spring | ||
MATH 222 | Foundations of Mathematics for Teaching II | 3 |
SCI 210 | Dynamic Planet (with laboratory) | 4 |
Elective | Specialization Elective | 3 |
EDUC 210 | Science Teaching Methods | 3 |
Gen Ed | Social Sciences | 3 |
Credits | 16 | |
Year Three | ||
Fall | ||
Gen Ed | Arts & Humanities | 6 |
MATH 323 | Foundations of Mathematics for Teaching III | 3 |
Elective | Specialization Elective | 3 |
Elective | Specialization Elective | 3 |
Credits | 15 | |
Spring | ||
Elective | Specialization Elective | 3 |
EDUC 326 | Equity, Diversity and Social Justice in Education | 3 |
Elective | ENG Elective | 3 |
EDUC 340 | Application of Pedagogy and Practice | 3 |
Elective | Specialization Elective (upper divisional) | 3 |
Credits | 15 | |
Year Four | ||
Fall | ||
EDUC 405 | Data-driven Instructional Practices | 3 |
EDUC 613 | Methods and Strategies of Effective Mathematics Instruction | 3 |
EDUC 600 | Foundations of Literacy Development | 3 |
EDUC 604 | Learning Environments | 3 |
EDUC 619 | Elementary Student Teaching | 3 |
Credits | 15 | |
Spring | ||
EDUC 601 | Methods and Strategies of Effective Reading Instruction | 3 |
EDUC 628 | Pedagogies for English Learners | 3 |
EDUC 408 | Teaching Writing with the Brain in Mind | 3 |
EDUC 619 | Elementary Student Teaching | 3 |
Credits | 12 | |
Total Credits | 122 |
Year 5
K-12 Online Teacher Leadership
Year Five | ||
Fall | Credits | |
EDUC 621 | Creating Effective Online & Blended Learning Environments | 3 |
EDUC 622 | Using Data to Plan for Online & Blended Learning and Targeted Interventions | 3 |
EDUC 680 | Action Research for Educational Leaders | 4 |
Credits | 10 | |
Spring | ||
EDUC 623 | Designing and Delivering Effective Online & Blended Instruction | 3 |
EDUC 693 | Conduct, Reflect, and Present Action Research | 3 |
EDUC | 6XX Elective | 6 |
Credits | 12 | |
Total Credits | 22 |
Reading Leadership
Year Five | ||
Fall | Credits | |
EDUC 602 | Literacy Assessment Informed Instruction | 3 |
EDUC 680 | Action Research for Educational Leaders | 4 |
EDUC 685 | Assessing, Evaluating, and Instructing At-risk and Struggling Readers | 3 |
Credits | 10 | |
Spring | ||
EDUC 686 | Student-Focused Coaching and Mentoring | 3 |
EDUC 687 | School-Wide Comprehensive Literacy Program Development | 3 |
EDUC 689 | Reading Specialist Internship | 3 |
EDUC 693 | Conduct, Reflect, and Present Action Research | 3 |
Credits | 12 | |
Total Credits | 22 |
Teacher Leadership
Year Five | ||
Fall | Credits | |
EDUC 680 | Action Research for Educational Leaders | 4 |
EDUC 681 | Instructional Program Evaluation | 3 |
EDUC 682 | Shaping School Culture | 3 |
Credits | 10 | |
Spring | ||
EDUC 632 | Overview of Special Services | 3 |
EDUC 669 | Formal and Informal Methods of Assessment | 3 |
EDUC 693 | Conduct, Reflect, and Present Action Research | 3 |
EDUC | 6XX Elective | 3 |
Credits | 12 | |
Total Credits | 22 |
Take the first steps toward your academic and personal growth.
Fostering your intellectual development is the primary focus of every academic program at Western. Our professors and Office of Career Services will help you identify your strengths, hone your skills, define your goals, and prepare for a fulfilling and enriched life after graduation. Wondering how you can apply your program of choice to your intellectual and personal journey? Check out our “What Can I Do With This Major?” tool to explore the diverse opportunities and pathways within any degree program.
Western’s Scholarship Application portal allows you to search for, apply to and manage your scholarship opportunities. This platform houses over 300+ departmental and privately funded scholarship opportunities available to both new and returning students. Through the scholarship portal, students may identify scholarship opportunities based on academic program, campus involvement, academic standing, specific keywords and more. Students may click below to begin learning about what scholarship opportunities are available to them.
Please check individual scholarship opportunity start dates and deadlines as there are exceptions.
Find your ScholarshipsIn 2019, the state of Colorado passed a bill that authorizes the Department of Higher Education to make payments on educational loans of teachers who are employed in a rural or hard-to-fill positions. The program will accept up to 100 applicants per years, and recipients will receive up to $5,000 per year for up to five years to help relieve their student loan debt. To learn more about this program, visit the Colorado Department of Higher Education website.
The Exceptional Resident Award is given to one undergraduate or graduate Education student, per year, who exhibit the following criteria:
- Shows respect for differences and a commitment to serving all students regardless of their race, ethnicity, culture, religion, language, cognitive ability, gender, or sexuality.
- Demonstrates a growth mindset in the face of challenges and responds constructively to feedback. Shows willingness to reflect upon practice.
- Goes above and beyond to builds strong relationships with students, parents, colleagues, and the local community. Is supportive and positive when interacting with others.
- Exhibits curiosity and is innovative in lesson design and delivery.
- Shows a willingness to try new things and to thoughtfully assess their effectiveness.
- Demonstrates leadership by taking initiative to be part of the school team. For example, shares strategies and ideas learned in Western courses with mentor and other colleagues in a constructive manner.
• Recognition at graduation with a cord and reimbursement of up to $500 for travel expenses to attend graduation at Western
• Certificate presented at the placement school by the resident’s regional coordinator and/or clinical coach
• Recognition on Western’s Education Department website
• Scholarship of up to three graduate credits to be used towards completion of a master’s degree at Western
Western’s Scholarship Application portal allows you to search for, apply to and manage your scholarship opportunities. This platform houses over 300+ departmental and privately funded scholarship opportunities available to both new and returning students. Through the scholarship portal, students may identify scholarship opportunities based on academic program, campus involvement, academic standing, specific keywords and more. Students may click below to begin learning about what scholarship opportunities are available to them.
Please check individual scholarship opportunity start dates and deadlines as there are exceptions.
Find your ScholarshipsAlumni Association Future Alumni Scholarship
The Alumni Association Scholarship is a one-time scholarship of $1,000 and is applicable for the student’s junior or senior year at Western.
Any child or grandchild of an alumni is eligible to receive the Future Alumni Scholarship.
- This is a one-time non-renewable scholarship of $1,000.
- Only one Future Alumni Scholarship will be awarded per academic year.
- GPA must be 3.2 or above (college).
Due date has been extended to April 30 for 2024. An Alumni selection committee, appointed by the Alumni Advisory Council, will review applicants and select awardee by June 1.
Alumni Legacy Scholarship
The Alumni Legacy Scholarship is a one-time non-renewable scholarship and is only applicable for the student’s first year at Western (incoming freshman or new transfer students are eligible).
Do you have a son or daughter looking at college? Have they considered attending Western? As an alumni, your son, daughter and/or grandchildren are eligible for certain benefits distributed through this scholarship, as follows:
- This is a one-time scholarship of $1,000.
- Nominee must be an incoming first-year student or new transfer.
- The cost of orientation is reduced by half (a $45 value).
- GPA must be 2.5 or above (high school or college of transfer).
The applicant must fill out the application form found below. Application forms are accepted year-round. If the applicant meets the GPA guidelines, the scholarship will be awarded.
Mountaineer Alumni Recommendation Scholarship
The Mountaineer Alumni Recommendation Scholarship is a one-time non-renewable scholarship and is only applicable for the student’s first year at Western. This scholarship is not available to midyear transfers or students beginning in the spring semester.
Are you an alumni or employee of Western and know a prospective (or incoming) student who would be a great fit at Western? A recommendation from alumni and employees can support any new student and provide them a $500 scholarship their first year. (Western employees may not recommend a spouse or dependent receiving tuition benefits).
- Any Western alumni/employee may nominate only one student per academic year to receive the $500 scholarship (distributed $250 per semester).
- The scholarship is good for the first year only and is non-renewable.
- The recommended student must be a full-time undergraduate student, attending Western for the first time.
The applicant must fill out the application form found here. The nominating alumni/employee must fill out the application form and submit the required documents by June 1. The recommended student must meet university admissions acceptance standards and complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
The Presidential Promise is guaranteed to students who have received a scholarship through the Denver Scholarship Foundation (DSF) and/or GearUp—and are eligible for a Pell Grant.
For students who meet these criteria, Western will cover the cost of tuition and fees through the combination of federal, state and institutional aid. For more information on the Presidential Promise, visit our scholarships page.
Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) or Central Plains (CP) tuition represents a substantial savings relative to normal, out-of-state tuition. Students eligible for the WUE or CP program will be charged 150% of Western’s total in-state tuition. For 2018-19, total in-state tuition was $8,934. WUE/CP tuition was $13,401. The WUE/CP discount is valued at $4,695.
For more information about the WUE and CP geography-based programs, visit Western’s Tuition Discount Programs Page.
Immediately upon acceptance at Western, every student is considered for a merit scholarship worth between $2,500-$4,500 per year for in-state students and $8,000-$10,000 for out-of-state students. The amount is based on the student’s GPA and ACT/SAT scores. Visit our Net Price Calculator at western.edu/cost to determine whether you qualify for a merit scholarship.
For more information about merit scholarships at Western, visit our scholarships page.
Note: Students enrolled in a Western-CU Boulder Partnership Program (i.e. major) do not qualify for Western Merit Scholarship programs. See the Rady Merit Scholarship section above for scholarship opportunities.
Get Involved

Expand your network and apply your knowledge.
There are so many ways that you can maximize your educational experience at Western. Take advantage of these opportunities to grow personally and professionally.
- Community Partnerships: Many classes involve working with children and teachers in the various schools around the Gunnison Valley.
- Future Educators of America: Students in this club engage in volunteer work and professional development opportunities along with other like-minded students.
- Residency Year: Students may choose to student teach in an elementary (K-6) classroom anywhere in the world.
Making a difference
This 3+2 Accelerated Degree Program provides a combination of theoretical knowledge and hands-on practice to develop educators who are well-prepared to take on a variety of academic environments after their time at Western.
News & Research
Additional Resources
Department Information
Education Department
Department Chair
Brooke Hanks, M.A.Senior Lecturer
Administrative Assistant
Marilyn KrillDepartment Support Coordinator
Campus Location
Western Colorado University
Crawford Hall 101
1 Western Way
Gunnison, CO 81231