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Aerial photograph of Western State Colorado University campus.

Economic Impact Report

Western is a cornerstone of economic vitality in Gunnison County, driving growth through job creation, student spending, and visitor activity that supports local businesses.

Western's Economic Impact

Dr. Hutchison guides a student through the printmaking process

Economic & Employment Contributions

Western serves as an economic anchor for the region by providing jobs for faculty, staff, and students. The wages earned by university employees and students circulate through the community, boosting local businesses and laying a foundation for continued economic growth.

Orientation leaders gather for a group photo inside the Mountaineer Bowl.

Visitor & Student Economic Impact

Each year, Western’s campus events draw over 22,000 visitors, creating a significant economic impact on the local hospitality and retail sectors. Additionally, student spending—particularly on housing, groceries, and essentials—further bolsters the area’s economy.

Snowy Downtown Gunnison with cotton candy skies

Strengthening the Community

Western’s partnerships with local organizations are key to building a stronger, more resilient Gunnison. By collaborating with businesses and community groups, the university helps to nurture sustainable growth, ensuring the region’s economic vitality for years to come.

By The Numbers


FY 2021-2023

Gunnison Region

FY 2021-2023

Gunnison County

FY 2021-2023

Three-Year Impact

A map detail counties of Colorado affected by Western's economic impact. Counties include Gunnison, Mesa, Delta, Montrose, Ouray, Hinsdale, Saguache, Chaffee, and Pitkin.

Three-Year Impact

  • Impact on Gunnison County: $422 million
  • Employees: 674 staff & faculty with $30.3 million in wages (three-year average)
  • Labor Income: $166.6 million statewide
  • Visitor Economic Contribution: $21.9 million statewide
  • Western’s Economic Contribution: $511.5 million in direct spending associated with university operations, capital projects, and student and visitor spending 

A Catalyst for Gunnison County’s Economy

Economic Contribution to Gunnison County:

Between 2021 and 2023, Western contributed $438.7 million to Gunnison Region’s economy, with $422.1 million enriching Gunnison County alone.

  • Western contributed $153.4 million to the local economy in fiscal year 2023.
  • 9% of Gunnison County’s GDP is driven by WCU alone.


Employment Impact:
Supported an average of 674 staff and faculty jobs per year, with 835 in the fiscal year 2023 alone.

  • Direct and indirect employment generated by Western created 1,492 jobs (full-time, part-time, temporary, and student workers) in 2023.
  • Jobs held by Western employees provided $61.5 million in labor income in 2023.


Student and Visitor Spending (FY 2023):

  • Western-related events drew more than 22,000 visitors, who purchased 13,574 hotel rooms, resulting in an estimated $7 million in visitor-related economic activity.
    • 91.1% of that spending is concentrated in Gunnison County.
  • Students spent over $30 million on housing, groceries, and essentials in 2023.


Read the Press Release

Growing Together

Western is here today because of the support and partnership of the Gunnison community. From our founding, the University has been a product of this region—its people, businesses, and organizations. Together, we are creating a resilient economy for our community.


A collage of Western students, faculty and staff helping out in the community.

About the Report

Leeds School of Business Logo - University of Colorado Boulder



This research was conducted by the Business Research Division of the Leeds School of Business at the University of Colorado Boulder. The report can be viewed in its entirety at the link below.

View the Report

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Students pose for a photo on top of Mount Crested Butte in the summer

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We understand that applying to a university can be daunting, which is why we make our admission process as simple and straightforward as possible. Learn more about applying to your program of choice at Western.

Colorado Hall with the Palisades in the background on a bluebird day.


The best way to find out what makes Western such a special place is to experience it for yourself. Our student-led tours give you an insider’s perspective on everything from academics to student life.

A group of four alumni look at a display of old photos on a table.


We keep the Mountaineer spirit going strong within our alumni community. Whether getting together with friends at an annual event, making a donation or mentoring a student, graduates continue to play an important role in the Western community.

A few students pose for a photo behind a table.


Want to discover more about Western? Request information today to get in touch with the admissions team.