The Inter Club Council (ICC) is the governing board for clubs within ICC. The council exists to facilitate the formation of new clubs and helps govern existing clubs. For more information please contact:
ICC Student Director: Morgan May,
ICC Advisor: Sara Phillips,
How to Start a Club
Phase 1:
1. Plan an informational meeting to gauge the interest in the club. You are required to have no less than five members to register as a club, unless other arrangements are made with the ICC.
2. Complete club constitution and club registration forms with your advisor information.
3. Submit these forms by clicking on the “Register Your Club” button below.
Note: Membership in a recognized club must be extended to all students. It is important to make your club’s purpose as specific as possible, which will assist you in its formation and organization.
Phase 2:
1. Meet with the director of ICC and present your constitution and club registration forms for review. Plan to attend the meeting with your advisor, club/organization President and/or Treasurer to answer questions about your club. The director and advisor will then decide if this proposal should move forward.
2. After your proposal has been endorsed by ICC, the next step is to obtain official club recognition from the Student Government Senate. You will need to attend the SGA meeting. During the ICC Director’s report, you will be given the floor to give a brief introduction of the club. Members of the SGA will have the opportunity to ask you questions about your club. The ICC Director will then make a motion that the Senate recognizes your club and a vote will be taken.
3. Once the SGA Senate approves the club, you are a recognized club!
Note: You must re-register your club at the end of the fall and spring semesters.
Benefits of Being an Official Club
- Funding through ICC
- Use of the University Center facilities for meetings and programs
- Use of club storage facilities in Ute Hall
- Availability of funds from ICC
- Availability of funds from SGA
Club Templates
REMEMBER: You MUST have pre-approval from Inter Club Council or LEAD Office staff before you spend any money for a club.
Types of Funding
Internal Funding (club specific)
Baseline Funding
- $100 is allotted to each club at the beginning of the school year if they have been recognized as a club for at least one year. This money does not roll over into the next school year if not utilized.
- This money is intended for club-specific spending such as t-shirts, advertisement, recruitment, club schwag, supplies, etc.
- An Internal Funding Request Form can be found on Western’s ICC website. This must be submitted online seven calendar days prior to when the funds are needed.
Incentive Funding
- Clubs can be awarded up to $150 in addition to their baseline funding at the beginning of each school year. The amount awarded is based off participation in mandatory events from the previous year.
- This money is intended for club-specific spending such as t-shirts, advertisement, recruitment, club schwag, supplies, etc.
- An Internal Funding Request Form can be found on Western’s ICC website. This must be submitted online seven calendar days prior to when the funds are needed.
Fundraised Money
- Fundraised money through a fundraiser or donor is placed into the club’s internal account and can be used for any purpose. This money can roll over into the next school year if not utilized.
- An Internal Funding Request Form can be found below. This must be submitted online seven calendar days prior to when the funds are needed.
Co-Sponsorship Funding (available to all clubs)
All recognized clubs are eligible for co-sponsorship funding. Planning ahead is in each club’s best interest, due to funding being available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Co-sponsorship funding is intended for club events, club travel, equipment, etc. that comply with the following standards:
- A direct connection/benefit to the student body must be evident.
- Evidence of lasting impact on campus be that within a club, the student body or the school overall. The participating students should experience a benefit that will promote their individual growth.
- The bill must align with the missions of the requesting entity as well as that of Western.
- The purpose of the money must be an example of responsible spending.When the co-sponsorship form has been submitted, the ICC Director will present the request to the SGA General Assembly and receive feedback from the student body on the eligibility of the bill. The Director will relay the SGA feedback to the ICC Council to review as they make a decision on their vote.
When the co-sponsorship form has been submitted, the ICC Director will present the request to the SGA General Assembly and receive feedback from the student body on the eligibility of the bill. The Director will relay the SGA feedback to the ICC Council to review as they make a decision on their vote. A co-sponsorship funding request form can be found below. This must be submitted online 14 calendar days prior to when the funds are needed.
Co-sponsorship funding can be requested at any time. All remaining funds after internal funding has been distributed is divided into two equal amounts and separated into to funding periods per school year. A co-sponsorship funding request form can be submitted for the current and upcoming funding period. If a funding request is approved for the upcoming funding period, funds will be taken from the funding period in which the event is occurring. The funding application will close after all funding for the period has been awarded. If the funding period ends and all funds have not been used, they will roll over into the next funding period within the school year. At the end of the academic year, any leftover funding will roll over into the ICC reserve. There is a $1,000 cap that each club may spend per year. You may submit as many co-sponsorships as you would like, but that total cannot exceed $1,000.
- Schedule a meeting with the ICC Advisor at least three weeks before travel commences to discuss the travel, your budget and any other details.
- It is preferable Western provides transportation in Western vans. This should be the very first option. Please fill out the Transportation Services Vehicle Request and submit to In cases vans are unavailable, you must fill out the General Waiver Form and return to ICC Advisor.
- At least one week before leaving, one member of your club who you designate as the “Student Trip Coordinator” must submit a Travel Authorization Form and a copy of the trip itinerary or conference agenda to the ICC Advisor.
- At least one week before leaving, every student who is traveling must fill out the Emergency Contact Information on our website. The information submitted on this form will be emailed the ICC Advisor.
During Travel
- Keep ALL receipts. Receipts for meals must be itemized (showing what each person actually ordered to eat; not the final credit card receipt that shows total + tip).The receipts cannot include alcohol.
After Travel
- Within one week of returning, all students who incurred travel-related expenses need to schedule an appointment with the ICC Advisor for reimbursement.
Planning an Event
There are many important and sometimes forgotten elements involved in planning events. This Event Planning Checklist includes some helpful tips to effectively organize an event on campus. Please note that this checklist may not include all the steps needed to make your event a success, so please stop by the LEAD Office, University Center 118 for more support.
Budgeting the event
Reserving the Space
- Fill out the reservation form on the EMS scheduling website. Remember that some of the more popular rooms on campus, such as the Ballroom, are sometimes already reserved months or even years in advance.
Serving food at an event?
- You must work with Sodexo when hosting an even in the University Center. Please view your catering options here.
- If wishing to have alcohol at event please contact the ICC Advisor four weeks in advance to fill our permission paperwork.
Hosting an entertainer? (comedian, speaker, band)
- Never sign any contracts yourself.
- If hiring outside speakers or entertainment you must contact the ICC Advisor to have encumbrance done before the event.
Marketing your event
Once you plan your event, it is important to get the information out about what you’ve planned. Create an event on Western’s Event Calendar to share with students, faculty and staff.
Printing posters
You may have up to 25 posters printed per event. You must submit your request one week prior to needing posters printed. Contact Sara Phillips to submit your request and include the size of poster you want.
Point System
Semester 1 | Semester 2 |
Beginning of the Year Meeting: 15 points | Website Information with Club Meeting Times: 5 points |
Beginning of Year Club Fair: 20 points | End of the Year Registration: 30 points |
Update Website Information with Club Meeting Time & Current President/Advisor: 5 points | Submit Attendance Roster: 5 points |
Homecoming Parade Float: 20 points | |
Preview Day Tabling: 5 points per Preview Day. Up to 30 points possible. At least on per semester. | Preview Day Tabling: 15 points per Preview Day. Up to 30 points possible. At least on per semester. |
TOTAL: 90 points | TOTAL: 70 points |
TOTAL: 160 points |
Note: The following events are mandatory: Beginning/end of year meetings, Beginning of the Year Club Fair, Preview Day (participation in at least one per semester), End of Year Registration
If mandatory events, such as Preview Days and beginning/end of the year meetings, are missed, five points will be deducted per event.
Extra Points Available
1st, 2nd or 3rd Place at the 5 Club Fairs: 1st – 15 points, 2nd – 10 points, 3rd – 5 points |
Host events open to Western students: 20 points per event |
Table throughout Semester: up to 20 points (5 points tabling session) |
Community Service: 20 points/semester |
Hosting a Zero Waste Event: 10 points |
Sporting Events: 5 points per game, up to 50 per academic year |
Extra Funding Tier
90-100% of points: Outstanding Club Performance – $150 awarded at the end of the year |
80-90% of points: Amazing Club Performance – $100 awarded at the end of the year |
75-80% of points: Great Club Performance – $70 awarded at the end of the year |
70-75% of points: Good Club Performance – $50 awarded at the end of the year |
60-70% of points: Neutral Club Performance |
0-60% points: Inactive Club Performance – club status reconsidered |
Submit points to
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