LabFind Lets Students Locate Nearby Technology Resources
Western Colorado University Information Technology Services recently launched LabFind, an app developed to help students find technology resources on campus nearest to their location.
With the recent uptick in virtual resource usage on college campuses across the nation, students have been hard pressed to find available computer labs necessary to complete class assignments. With LabFind, students are able to identify where available computer labs are located, what services they offer and how to navigate to them from any given location.
With the help of this app, professors can work collaboratively with students to ensure they have the resources they need to complete class assignments. These resources include computer stations, specialty software programs, printing services and group study spaces.
To use LabFind, students simply need to download the app on their mobile device and log in with their Western email account. From there, you can search for computer labs and tech resources by entering specific criteria such as desired hardware or software, location, group space availability and more.
By making this app available to students on a campus-wide basis, Western ensures students will be able to find the resources they need to complete assignments for any class, STEM related or otherwise. For any questions about downloading or using LabFind, contact Western IT Services.