Consider others at all times when operating a motorized vehicle, bicycle, skateboard or inline skates. The intent of these regulations is to protect the health, safety and property of everyone on campus and to provide access for fire and emergency equipment.
It is the responsibility of all students, staff, faculty and visitors to be aware of and to comply with state, county and city laws, as well as campus rules and regulations.
Primary responsibility for campus parking and traffic control rests with Campus Security Services and designated staff members (Authority CRS 73-23-5-107). This responsibility is shared with the Gunnison Police Department and the Gunnison County Sheriff’s Department. The Colorado State Patrol may also be involved in traffic enforcement on campus.
Unauthorized Parking and Driving Areas
A valid parking space is defined by two parallel lines with no yellow markings or signage present.
Yellow curbs or markings means no parking is permitted.
Parking is not permitted (whether posted “No Parking” or not) on roads without designated parking spots, driveways, sidewalks, lawns or grass, or non-paved areas.
Vehicles parked illegally are subject to no-parking warning stickers like the one shown below, placed on the passenger side window. Vehicles violating University parking policies may be towed away from these areas, at the owner’s expense, without notice.
Driving or parking is not permitted in any pedestrian walkway or lawn area, except for campus service and emergency vehicles. Only the Director of Facilities Services or Campus Security officers may give permission to drive or park in these areas.
Handicapped Parking Spaces
Western Colorado University reserves parking spaces for disabled students, staff, faculty and visitors. A handicapped permit issued by the State of Colorado must be displayed on the rear-view mirror, the driver’s side dashboard or as a license plate.
Valid handicapped permits from other states are also honored.
No Overnight Parking
Several lots have been designated as “No Overnight Parking” from 1-6 a.m., between Nov. 1 and May 1. These lots are:
- Escalante Drive, south of Quigley Hall
- Lower Taylor Hall Lot
- Taylor Hall Lot, including lots east of Taylor Hall
- Wright Gymnasium Lot
Camping or living in a vehicle is not permitted at any time on Western Colorado University property.
Parking During Vacation Periods
Vehicles may be left on campus, during Thanksgiving, Christmas and spring breaks, and during winter, spring, summer and fall inter-session breaks, in the Dolores and Mountaineer Bowl parking lots, unless other lots have been designated by the University for overflow parking.
Vehicles are not to be left on campus over summer break unless written permission from Campus Security Services is obtained. Each case will be decided on an individual basis.
Snow Removal Warning
As snow removal from the parking lots, campus roads and sidewalks becomes necessary during the winter months, heavy snow removal equipment may be operating in these areas day and night.
The University reserves the right to issue notice to remove vehicles from any parking lot or roadway at any time during periods of heavy snowfall. It is the vehicle operator’s responsibility to look for email notices, notices posted in the University Center or notices posted on affected vehicles.
Residence Hall Parking
Due to limited parking areas, only students and staff living in campus housing may park overnight in the following lots:
- Pinnacles Lot
- Chipeta Lot
- Dolores and Mountaineer Bowl Lot
- Escalante North Lot
- Mears Complex Lot
- Field House Construction Area Lot
- Ute Lot
In the interest of providing maximum convenience for all campus drivers, students, faculty and staff living on campus are encouraged to park in the lots designated for their particular buildings and to leave their vehicles in those lots, rather than driving to another lot closer to classes or work locations.
Bicycle Regulation
Bicycles may be licensed, free of charge, by the Gunnison Police Department. Call 970.641.8200 to arrange your bicycle registration. We recommend all bicycles be registered and locked at all times when not in use.
Bicycles may only be parked in bike racks. Locking bicycles to light posts, stair rails, guard rails, trees, shrubs or benches creates traffic hazards for pedestrians, emergency and service vehicles. Bicycles locked to objects other than bicycle racks may be immobilized or removed by Campus Security Services.
If your bicycle has been immobilized or removed, contact Campus Security duty phone at 970.209.1020.
Theft, Vandalism or Damage to Vehicles or Bicycles
Any theft, vandalism or damage to property should be reported immediately to Campus Security Services at 970.209.1020 or the Gunnison Police Department at 970.641.8200.
Western Colorado University does not accept or assume responsibility for loss under any circumstances, including theft, vandalism or malicious mischief. We recommend parked vehicles be locked at all times.
Abandoned Vehicles and Bicycles
Vehicles and bicycles that appear to have been abandoned on campus will be towed or removed, at the owner’s expense. Any vehicle without license plates will be towed.
Tow-Away Policy
Vehicles are subject to tow-away by a bonded towing company for the following reasons:
- Abandoned vehicles, including those not having license plates.
- Parking in “No Overnight Parking” areas between 1-6 a.m.
- Parking in areas which create a danger to safety and welfare of persons and property (i.e. fire lanes, service areas, traffic lanes, walkways, lawns, etc.).
- Parking in non-designated lots during vacation periods.
- Parking in spaces reserved for the handicapped.
- When obstructing snow removal operations or impeding campus operations.
If you believe your vehicle has been towed contact Campus Security Services or the Gunnison Police Department.
Moving Violations
The speed limit on campus is 10 miles per hour unless otherwise posted. Speeding violations carry varying penalties, depending upon the number of miles per hour in excess of the speed limit. Other moving violations carry the same penalties applicable under State of Colorado laws.
Rev 6: May 18, 2012
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