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Shot of Western Colorado University and the "W" during fall time.

2023-2028 Strategic Plan Outline and Progress

Guiding Principles

Financial Stewardship of the University | Sustainability | Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Justice Plus (DEIJ+) | Sense of Place & Belonging | Global Outlook



Enrich the Western experience and improve well-being for students, faculty and staff

Western strives to provide a learning and working environment where students, faculty and staff feel valued and all have the opportunity to thrive and success. Western will be a desirable place for diverse people to authentically work, learn, express, collaborate and grow.


  • Campus Climate
  • First Year Retention Rate (students)
  • Graduate Rate
  • Overall Faculty/Staff Turnover Rate

Action Steps_____

1. Expanding Community,
Wellness, & Sense of Belonging

This initiative fosters a welcoming, inclusive
community at Western, prioritizing wellbeing,
diversity, equity, and engagement for
students, faculty, and staff.

2. Creating a Culture of Value and Support

This initiative fosters a welcoming, inclusive
community at Western, prioritizing wellbeing,
diversity, equity, and engagement for
students, faculty, and staff.

3. Meeting Western’s Housing Needs

Address housing challenges for faculty, staff,
and students at Western through short and
long-term strategies, including rental property
access and new housing development.



Improve student affordability and access

Demographic shifts towards more diverse, less affluent, and more first- generation students require the university to ensure that a Western education is more financially attainable


  • Average Net Price
  • Student Debt Load
  • Private Scholarship Dollars Awarded

Action Steps_

1. Reducing Cost

Western aims to reduce attendance costs by proposing a lower facility fee and promoting affordable educational materials for students.

2. Enhancing Scholarship Resources & Optimizing Technology

To enhance affordability and accessibility, Western will expand scholarship resources, optimize technology, encourage fundraising, and improve awarding process.



Enhance the quality and value of a Western degree

The Colorado Commission on Higher Education’s (CCHE’s) 2023 Strategic Plan focuses on ensuring that students receive a positive financial return on their educational investment, backed by data suggesting economic mobility is a central reason for post-secondary learning. Western will be responsive to the expectations of Colorado citizens and our students by demonstrating the value of a Western degree.


  • Alumni Career Success and Satisfaction
  • Student Loan Default Rate

Action Steps______

1. Advancing Professional Pathways

Aligning with CCHE’s Strategic Plan, Western focuses on career success for diverse learners by promoting innovation, industry connections, and mentoring.

2. Further Developing Liberal Arts

Enhance Western’s education by modernizing its liberal arts curriculum, emphasizing interdisciplinary approaches and aligning with DEIJ, sustainability, global outlook, and sense of place principles.

3. Continuing Teaching Excellence

Enrich teaching and student outcomes by Creating a Center for Teaching, Learning, and Mentoring to support faculty development and leverage educational technologies.



Ensure financial strength and support enrollment growth

Students are at the heart of Western’s mission and are the key driver of fiscal stability and growth. In an increasingly competitive market, balancing enrollment growth with a focus on academic excellence and responsibility for fiscal management is paramount.


  • Enrollment Market Share: CO Resident Students
  • Composite Financial Index
  • Foundation Assets Under Management

Action Steps______

1. Advancing the Sustainable Enrollment Management Plan

The enrollment management plan prioritizes student success, retention, recruitment, fiscal goals, and inclusivity through expertise, data, and communication.

2. Revitalizing the Marketing Plan

Western’s marketing plan aims to target demographics, strengthening the brand, promote diversity, and collaborate for consistent messaging and impact.

3. Implementing a Comprehensive Budget Development Process

Develop a systematic, flexible budget plan, aligned with the institution’s mission and goals, involving comprehensive processes, coordination, and evaluation.


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Students pose for a photo on top of Mount Crested Butte in the summer

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We understand that applying to a university can be daunting, which is why we make our admission process as simple and straightforward as possible. Learn more about applying to your program of choice at Western.

Colorado Hall with the Palisades in the background on a bluebird day.


The best way to find out what makes Western such a special place is to experience it for yourself. Our student-led tours give you an insider’s perspective on everything from academics to student life.

A group of four alumni look at a display of old photos on a table.


We keep the Mountaineer spirit going strong within our alumni community. Whether getting together with friends at an annual event, making a donation or mentoring a student, graduates continue to play an important role in the Western community.

A few students pose for a photo behind a table.


Want to discover more about Western? Request information today to get in touch with the admissions team.