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Megan Becker

Megan Becker



Hi! My name is Meagan Becker and I live in Grand County, Colorado. I am currently employed in the East Grand School District as a paraprofessional. I assist high school students in the special education department with their regular classes. With the help of COSI and the Finish What You Started program, I am going to Western Colorado University, online, to get my Bachelor’s degree and a Colorado Special Education Teaching Certificate. While my family is very active, our favorite hobby is supporting my husband/father and his race team. We have a Polaris Razor that we take to off-road races all over the western part of the US. Along with helping my husband and the race team, we have two young daughters who are getting more and more active in sports and other activities. Our oldest is going into the fourth grade and the youngest is going into second grade. With teaching, I have a spot in my heart to help kids work through tough challenges in their lives and become functioning adults in the community. I ended up working at the high school level by chance but now I feel like that I am making more of an impression on the students’ lives than I would at the elementary level. Because I receive a Finish What You Started scholarship, I am able to complete the degree I started 20 years ago, but with just a slightly different pathway to the credential. Thank you so much, COSI Team, for helping make this dream a reality!

To read the full July COSI newsletter, click here.

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Colorado Hall with the Palisades in the background on a bluebird day.


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A few students pose for a photo behind a table.


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