"I believe that society and cultures are connected to nature and when that connection is severed for any reason then displacement, marginalization and impoverishment can occur."
Chris Werre’s is a 2019 alumni of the MEM program and is keenly interested in the issue of global displacement of people and resettlement.
Chris became interested in this subject after working with the Sustainable Development Strategies Group (SDSG). SDSG’s mission is to promote equitable and ecologically sound practices to reduce poverty through the management of natural resources. Chris worked with Professor Danielson and the International Network for Displacement and Resettlement (INDR) to define and identify instances of environmental displacement.
Chris has stated that “I believe that society and cultures are connected to nature and when that connection is severed for any reason then displacement, marginalization, and impoverishment can occur. It is our duty to reduce these instances of displacement through the loss of access to nature and nature-oriented livelihoods by avoiding displacement and minimizing the impacts on the affected communities.” His faculty mentor is Professor Sally Thode, M.S..