What year in school are you and when do you plan to graduate?
I am a first-year student and plan to graduate in 2027.
How did you discover Western?
I live in Gunnison, and my mom attended Western. Sometimes she couldn’t find a babysitter for us, so she would bring us to class with her. Even though I didn’t understand most of what was being taught, I loved it!
What are some of the highlights of your time at Western?
Some of my favorite highlights at Western are the auditions for the various shows we host. I haven’t gotten a role yet, but I’ve had a great time goofing around with people who also love theater.
What most excites you about your major?
As a psychology major, what excites me most is the variety of theories about different aspects of psychology. It’s fascinating that any of these theories could be correct or that a combination of them could reflect reality. I enjoy exploring the different possibilities and considering which ones might actually explain how the brain works.
What is your favorite thing about the Gunnison Valley?
My favorite thing about the Gunnison Valley is the people. On campus, you’ll meet many new people from diverse backgrounds, and the residents of Gunnison are always willing to help others, even if they’ve never met them before.