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Ma'alaea Lawrence and Conrad Kaul discuss the data.

Foster Academic Excellence

Interactive education and hands-on experiences are effective instructional methods that equip students with critical thinking skills, benefiting both students and faculty. Increased faculty support can result in more research opportunities, making Western a more appealing workplace. Enhanced funding will enable Western to attract and retain outstanding academic thought leaders, enhancing the University’s brand recognition.

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Putting Students at an Advantage

National data confirms student research and creative work with faculty improves retention, academic success, graduate school placement, and career opportunities overall. The creation of an endowed Western Advantage Fund ensures that students have access to the resources necessary to pursue leading-edge exploratory initiatives.

Amplifying Faculty Influence and Impact

Throughout Western’s history, faculty across many academic disciplines have delivered highly personalized instruction and mentorship to generations of students. Philanthropic support of the Endowed Chairs and Professorships will increase our level of market competitiveness, advancing and rewarding outstanding academic leaders, and ensuring faculty have the support necessary to continue creating transformational learning experiences.

Addressing Regional Workforce Needs

To support regional and statewide economic development, incorporating innovative and interdisciplinary curriculum
and enhancing our students’ career guidance and professional pathways will strengthen Western’s ability to meet Colorado’s growing workforce needs.

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