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Computer Science – University of Colorado Partnership

Cost of Attendance

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Earn a Bachelor of Science Degree From University of Colorado Boulder

The Cost of Attendance Projection for the Western-University of Colorado Boulder Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering Partnership Programs is based on Western and University of Colorado Boulder 2022-23 rates. Costs are estimates. Estimated costs are provided for general planning purposes.

First Two Years as Western Student

Student pays Western tuition and Western required fees as well as room and board as part of Western’s two-year, live-on requirement.

  • Western student also simultaneously enrolled in a University of Colorado Boulder course(s): Student pays University of Colorado Boulder tuition per credit and any course-specific fees.

Last Two Years as University of Colorado Boulder Student

Student pays University of Colorado Boulder tuition and University of Colorado Boulder mandatory fees—all while remaining on the Western campus in Gunnison.

  • University of Colorado Boulder student also simultaneously enrolled in a Western course(s): Student pays Western tuition per credit and any course-specific fees.

Estimated Cost of Attendance – Colorado Residents

Resident Student Year 1 (Western) Year 2 (Western)  Year 3 (CU) Year 4 (CU)
Tuition* $10,269 $10,428 $15,072 $15,072
Mandatory Fees $3,877 $3,896 n/a n/a
CU Mandatory Fees n/a n/a $160 $160
Double Room $5,304 $5,304 n/a n/a
Board $4,982 $4,982 n/a n/a
Off-Campus Living Estimate n/a n/a $12,411 $12,411
Optional Fees $250 $250 n/a n/a
Indirect Costs** $4,536 $4,536 $4,536 $4,536
Cost Per Year $24,682 $24,860 $27,643 $27,643

*Tuition Rates are subject to Board of Trustee approval
**Includes estimated books, supplies, transportation and miscellaneous expenses

Estimated Cost of Attendance – Non-Colorado Residents

Resident Student Year 1 (Western) Year 2 (Western)  Year 3 (CU) Year 4 (CU)
Tuition* $22,293 $22,692 $42,050 $42,050
Mandatory Fees $3,877 $3,896 n/a n/a
CU Mandatory Fees n/a n/a $160 $160
Double Room $5,304 $5,304 n/a n/a
Board $4,982 $4,982 n/a n/a
Off-Campus Living Estimate n/a n/a $12,411 $12,411
Optional Fees $250 $250 n/a n/a
Indirect Costs** $4,536 $4,536 $4,536 $4,536
Cost Per Year $36,706 $37,124 $54,621 $54,621

*Tuition Rates are subject to Board of Trustee approval
**Includes estimated books, supplies, transportation and miscellaneous expenses

The four-year total amounts for tuition and fees for students in the Rady program before financial aid and other scholarships are applied is $58,937 for in-state students and $137,181 for out-of-state students. Rady students can expect these costs to be greatly reduced through Western’s merit scholarships, program-specific scholarships, and other aid opportunities.

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