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In the news: Western receives $80M gift for School of Computer Science & Engineering

A student pushes a button while operating machinery in the Rady Building.

Find below news coverage of the generous gift, the new 75,000-square-foot building, and the new partnership program with the University of Colorado Boulder College of Engineering & Applied Science.

The Colorado Sun, June 20, 2019: All the classes, none of the Boulder: CU offers computer science degrees on Western Slope

One of the state’s premier news organizations joins Western President Greg Salsbury, University of Colorado Boulder College of Engineering & Applied Science Dean Bobby Braun, and Antero Resources CEO Paul M. Rady ’78 in Gunnison for a tour of the new Paul M. Rady School of Computer Science & Engineering.

Colorado Aerospace STEM Magazine, January 2019: Interview with Western President Greg Salsbury

Western President Greg Salsbury takes questions from Colorado Aerospace STEM Magazine about the new Paul M. Rady School of Computer Science & Engineering. “We aim to become one of the state’s and region’s preeminent STEM programs in higher education,” Salsbury said.

KOA News, Oct. 25, 2018: New STEM school at Western Colorado University

Dr. Greg Salsbury of Western Colorado University joined the studio to discuss the opening of the new Paul M. Rady School of Computer Science & Engineering.

Inside Philanthropy, Oct. 9, 2018: How did this public university off the beaten path score a huge gift for STEM?

Paul M. Rady, the CEO and chairman of the board of Colorado-based oil exploration and production company Antero Resources, gave Western Colorado University $80 million to create the Paul M. Rady School of Computer Science & Engineering.

Crested Butte News, Sept. 26, 2018: Western gets a new name, a new program, and a really large donation

On Sept. 6, Western Colorado University announced the largest financial donation in its history and one of the largest to a public university in the state of Colorado—an $80 million gift from alumnus Paul M. Rady.

Greeley Tribune, Sept. 13, 2018: Bobby Braun: Why engineering matters to Colorado

According to Code.org, Colorado currently has nearly 15,500 open computing jobs alone

KBUT News, Sept. 13, 2018: Western to launch new school thanks to large donation

Western Colorado University recently unveiled plans for a new undergraduate program in computer science and engineering. The program is being created from an $80 million donation by Paul Rady, a 1978 graduate of the school. It’s the largest donation in Western’s history and one of the largest ever for a public university in Colorado.

Mile High CRE, Sept. 12, 2018: Construction underway for Paul M. Rady School of Computer Science & Engineering

Construction of the Paul M. Rady School of Computer Science & Engineering at Western Colorado University began on Western’s campus in Gunnison, Colorado.

Denver Business Journal, Sept. 11, 2018: $80 million gift is Western’s largest ever; here’s how the school plans to use it

It starts with a 75,000-square-foot school of computer science.

Chronicle of Philanthropy, Sept. 10, 2018: Gifts roundup: Denver oil man gives $80 million for computer science and engineering

Paul Rady gave $80 million to establish the Paul M. Rady School of Computer Science & Engineering. The new school is a partnership with the University of Colorado Boulder.

Philanthropy News Digest, Sept. 10, 2018: Western Colorado receives $80 million for CS, engineering school

Western Colorado University in Gunnison has announced an $80 million gift from alumnus Paul M. Rady (’78) to establish a School of Computer Science & Engineering.

Grand Junction Daily Sentinel, Sept. 10, 2018: Western buoyed by $80M gift

An $80 million alumnus gift to Western Colorado University for a new engineering program and facility will likely have impacts across the Western Slope.

Inside Higher Ed, Sept. 7, 2018: $80 million gift for Western Colorado

Western Colorado University announced an $80 million gift to support a new School of Computer Science & Engineering. The gift is from an alumnus, Paul M. Rady, chief executive officer of Colorado-based Antero Resources and Antero Midstream.

The Denver Post, Sept. 7, 2018: Students at Western in Gunnison will be able earn CU Engineering degrees under new partnership

Using an $80 million donation, the largest in the school’s history, Western will establish the Paul M. Rady School of Computer Science & Engineering—named for the donor.

Western Colorado University, Sept. 6, 2018: Western Colorado University announces the Paul M. Rady School of Computer Science & Engineering with historic $80 million gift

With the largest gift in university history and one of the largest financial donations ever to a public university in the State of Colorado, Western Colorado University announced the establishment of the Paul M. Rady School of Computer Science & Engineering.

University of Colorado, Sept. 6, 2018: University Partnerships

The University of Colorado Boulder College of Engineering & Applied Science is proud to be on the forefront of leveraging Colorado’s engineering talent by partnering with other universities.

Boulder Daily Camera, Sept. 6, 2018: CU to grant Engineering, Computer Science degrees at Western in Gunnison

University of Colorado officials announced a partnership with Western Colorado University that will allow students in Gunnison to earn CU degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science.

Denver7, Sept. 6, 2018: Western announces $80M gift, new Computer Science & Engineering School

An $80 million gift is bringing Western Colorado University’s Paul M. Rady School of Computer Science & Engineering to life. It’s the largest gift in the university’s history and one of the largest donations ever to a public university in Colorado.

Farnsworth Group, Sept. 6, 2018: Western Colorado University unveils Farnsworth Group project

Western Colorado University announced its plans to construct the Paul M. Rady School of Computer Science & Engineering. The new school is made possible by an $80 million gift from Paul M. Rady.

CU Boulder Today, Sept. 5, 2018: CU Boulder expanding offerings on Western Slope

Western Colorado University and CU Boulder officials announced a new partnership that will allow students to earn CU Boulder Bachelor of Science degrees in Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering on the Gunnison campus.

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